Publishing on ANLoc

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  • To publish a content item on ANLoc website, you need to choose which content type to use from the user navigation menu on the rightmost sidebar.

    All content items must have a title/subject/name, the rest of the fields will differ from one type to another but most of them will have a body/description/notes where you put the content body. Events will have dates and location fields, Software will have version fields, etc.

    News item, event, document and software content types can reference the related project(s), and therefore they will be listed in their corresponding project page.

    Multilingual support:

    Some content types will allow you to have your entry in multiple languages, i.e create an event in English then translate it to French, and vice versa. This support is available for the content types: News item, Event, Document, Software, Partner and Project. Multilingual support is not enabled for Forum topics, Images, Blog entries, Book pages and User profiles.

    Classification and Tags:

    Free Tagging

    Is a method to make on the fly classification, add the keywords that describe the content your are posting separated with commas (for the
    Blog entry, Book page, Document, Event, Forum topic, Image, News Item, Software types).
    While writing the keyword/tag the system will try to suggest options for you from previous tags, ex: if you want to tag your event as conference, the field will let you know that a similar tag "conferences" has been used before.. it will be wise to use previously used tags if they suffice, so that an event that was going to be tagged as conference and an event tagged as conferences end up in the same place.

    Old Classification methods:

    Besides the free tagging method, we can always have a list of terms to classify our content, this list would be created separately, so that when you are adding new content you will able to select from a set of pre-defined terms.
    Note that we can have different vocabularies (a vocabulary is a set of terms) for each content type.
    Example: we can choose to classify our events into (conferences, meetings, workshops, online meetings, release dates, etc.), and classify our news items into (announcements, press releases, monthly updates, etc.)
    Please add your suggestions on the Forum.


    You can use HTML or MediaWiki syntax. Choose which option you want from the input format options below the text area of your content type.

    Available content types:

    Where will each content item appear

    Access and Permissions

    .. to be continued