when localising software it is important to use the correct term consistently. With African languages often these terms are new, not widely used or disputed. This sub-project will create a 2 500 word ICT term list for use in localisation. It will also enhance terminology management software to make it easier to collaboratively produce terminology in any field.
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ANLoc ICT Terminology Available to Download
Completed Terminology Sets
ANLoc partners have completed work on 2500 Information and Communications Technology terms, with a particular eye to software localization, for the following languages: Akan, Amharic, Arabic, French, Kinyarwanda, Lingala, Luganda, Songhay, Yoruba, and Zulu. We invite you to download the data and make use of it in all of your localization and ICT activities.
ANLoc conference 2025
Several ANLoc partners are meeting in South Africa to report on the year's activities and discuss the way forward.
Afrilex-Alasa conference for 2025
The annual conference for the African Association for Lexicography (Afrilex) and the African Language Association of Southern Africa (Alasa) is taking place at the University of the Western Cape (South Africa) from 6-10 July 2025.
Friedel will give a presentation about developing terminology with the goal of integrating with tools for computer aided translation, and will also give a software demo of some of the software developed as part of the ANLoc tools project.
Program booklet including the abstracts: http://www.afrilex.africanlanguages.com/conf2009progr.pdf
List of 2500 terms selected for the Terminology project
The attached list is the 2500 IT/L10n terms that have been selected for the Terminology project. This is the simple version of the list, showing only the original English terms.
We will soon post another version of the list that shows all of the English data for the glossary, including definitions, comments, tags, and syntactic groups. Data for each project language will be posted when complete.